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Who Are We?
Fiber Optic Products, Inc. was formed in 2000, an offshoot from Todd’s House of Fiber started in 1998. And Next Year We will be 19 Years Strong !!
We started the Fiber Optic Business with hobby lighting for model railroading and branched out to more creative lighting demands. The call was so great that it started to encompass home, landscape, pool, and architecture lighting. Customers asked for more creative lighting capability so we added an Electronics team to our business, from there we designed cooler, quieter and lower voltage lighting units for fiber optics. Today we have over 8,000 different products from LEDs, Electronics, and Fiber Optics in Endglow and Sideglow, as well as Light Units.
FOP sales are strong each year because of their customers service, fast turn-around, and available inventory. Their attentiveness to customer demands is the reason for their product inventory and it is their creative designs that will keep FOP ahead of the competition! Being a smaller corp. we have control over the business and never let it get to big, this way we are able to help the little guy just starting out, and keep our prices and quality number 1.
We have become known as the “A” Team for Lighting with such customers as Stan Winston , Special effects King in Hollywood, Lucas, and Hollywood TV shows. We do allot of theater light for costumes and more. And many TV and Theater shows. And Government Jobs. Top Secret ya know !! Can’t tell you about that stuff !
As technology progresses in the future, the call for more efficient energy and lighting devices is what FOP will keep in mind and on the shelf. “We plan to be the Super Discount Store of the Fiber Optic World” Says CEO Sheldon T. Cooper. “We will do our best to stay at the top and supply the latest devices for all areas of light“. New ideas for Landscape lighting will be issued this year and in the area for Star ceilings, special effects to come!
A Company is only as good as its employees, so that’s why we Do Not Expand !! We have seen to many small corps go under because of the customer service and bad products. Today businesses make products to eventually break down so you will order more ! NOT US ! We want to you come back for more because its great stuff not because it went bad ! Sure we can hire more people to answer the phone, and then we will raise our prices to pay there checks. Or we can keep it Tight & Clean and sell a good product. Your choice !
You could go elsewhere and save a few cents on cable or light units, but you would not get our Cable quality or Customer attention. The Price of fuel and plastic have jumped the prices of fiber but we will strive to keep that price down for 2023. Keep the work here in the USA! We strive to keep our American workers in work. By purchasing from a smaller business like us, you receive personal service. We do not hire cold call salesmen or commission sellers at our shop, by doing this you will receive the up front truth about the product and what it can do for you. We have been here, and will remain customer friendly!
If you are doing a Landscape, Pool, Pond, or Interior Lighting Project please Fax us a Simple Top Down Drawing showing dimensions, add name and number and someone will call you back ASAP. Please call for Fax Number. as you see we do not list it because of the amount of Junk faxes companies send out. We do not put advertising on our webpage because we feel that if you want something you will look for it, and not have it forced down your throat !!
We do NOT sign NDA’s or sign Contracts with Government, Colleges, Schools or Entertainment Studios. This protects us from Legal maters down the line. We ask that if you wish products, then please pay for it at time of order, if you don’t have the money now, then you should not be purchasing it !
The 2020-21-22 Year showed slower sales due to economy but we received more customers due to closing of other business going down. Due to copyright and Patent Infringement by Makers in China and Other countries, we have been forced to remove some items from inventory. This is what’s called the “Totalitarian Tiptoe” force the small business and makers to stop carrying items because the USA charges to high a price to open a business and make it here, that it is forced to purchase and hire out of the USA, once the rules have been laid, now all the Establishment has to do is block trade and then you have a Fall Of a Country !
We’re still finding that most people are NOT reading the pages for the products they are purchasing. People today are to spoiled and want everything Tomorrow. Cool your jets and Slow Down, go watch the clouds ! ORDER Early !! Not the day before you need it !! Poor planning on your part Does NOT justify a Rush on our part !
Here is few of our leading customers we have sold to: Industrial Light & Magic, Disneyland, Universal Studios, NASA, CIA, DOD, DOT, White House, Motion Picture Studios thru-out US & Canada, and UK, Numerous Colleges and Schools, Stage & Theaters, Home Theater builders, Landscapers, Pool, Spa & Hot Tub owners, Crafters in all hobbies, Medical labs, Nuclear Labs of Livermore, Discovery Channel, Homeland Security, and more, the list goes on!
We ask that all customers make sure they know what they are ordering before purchasing ether on-line or over the phone. READ EACH PAGE AT THE TOP, this will explain everything to you so you don’t have to call with un-needed questions! We do not take slack from anyone, we are customer friendly but if you get rough you will find yourself talking to a dial tone. We are here to help, we make the webpage as simple and clear as possible to describe the items and show its price with nothing hidden. We ASK that you SLOW down and take your time reading each area. If you have installation questions please call us and ask how to make your project happen. It’s that kind of service that keeps Fiber Optic Products, Inc. # 1 for your Fiber Optic Needs!
Fiber Optic Products, Inc. Reserves the right to refuse business to anyone it deems a liability or troublesome.
Thanks to all our customers!
The Crew at Fiber Optic Products, Inc.